Should I Marry My British Fiance In The UK Or The US?

I could be wrong, though I can’t imagine that meaning much else. Thanks for your comment – and congrats on finding someone you click with! Nothing spectacular ever fits the mold of “normal” or “conventional”. I like to think that the more we are open to possibilities in life, the more “impossible” possibilities will happen.

The Cost of Transportation in London Compared to America

As long as your phone is unlocked, it’s super easy to switch to a UK SIM . The best thing I’ve found is setting up a weekly Facetime routine with the closest people to me back in the states. In my blog on how to move to London as an American, I break down all the visa options for moving and staying in the UK long-term (minus the new ‘High Potential Visa’ referenced in the reel above). If you’re one of those Americans living in London that’s kind of obsessed with London ( you might not want to leave. Unfortunately there are very limited options for self-employed people moving to the UK.

What was your experience dating abroad?

She could be in love with the idea of making the long distance relationship work but not be too keen on the actual reality of it. Nothing is a failed experience if it brought you happiness for a short while, and if there were positives which came as a result. I went through the K1 process, and will send you an overview of my experience with it now. A quick google search lead me to this page and I’m so glad to have read your story. And so refreshing to hear such positivity towards LDRs.

Many parents send their kids to study in London from all over the world. In fact, the best universities in the city are predominantly attended by foreign students. Of course, there are a few not-so-attractive ones in the bunch, but you can find a few exotic beauties. Established by the Romans two millennia ago, London has grown into one of the largest cities in the world. Today, it forms the capital and most populous city in the UK, and is home to famous landmarks such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, and the London Bridge.

She told him that if he were to use it, it wouldn’t be considered cheating. Meanwhile, they consider themselves in a relationship with the I love you’s and I miss you’s daily. Poor kids are so confused with their status and the rules imposed on them. Hi Anon – you’re absolutely right – in a relationship it shouldn’t be an eye for an eye, or keeping track on who’s one up on the marital scorecard.

More often than not, this politeness translates to dating. Initially, when going on a date, people greet with a handshake. However, once you know someone, this could extend to a kiss on the cheek. Other than changing attitudes towards marriage, people are marrying later due to limited finances. According to Hitched’s 2022 wedding survey, the average UK wedding costs a hefty £18,400, so many couples choose to invest in a home instead.

Public transport is not cheap either, so you will need quite a large store of cash as a visitor. The British Pound exchange rate does not help as well; however, it’s a great city to explore and spending a few pennies here and there will be worth the visit. The clubbing in London is a great opportunity to meet girls, too. London is different to most other British cities in that a lot of the girls are foreign. You will find an occasional English hottie, but generally the best girls come from a different region – or at least their parents do.

When it comes down to it, if you’ve been talking for 3 years and are now telling each other “I love you”, you should want to meet. I think you need to tell him it’s time to love it meet otherwise you need to move on. Because if he does love you, he’ll want to see you, and if he’s playing you you need to know so you don’t waste anymore of your time.

You need to have plenty of evidence for your relationship. My husband and I put together a 70 page book for the entry clearance officer. You will need to write a letter to the entry clearance office asking to be her sponsor and that you can support her without means of public aide.

Plus, having a plan to meet up that often is exciting, gives you each something to look forward to in the short term, and it’s international travel which will give you both so many shared memories and experiences. If you both decide to give it a go and then later down the line it doesn’t work out, at least you can say that you gave it a go, and it was great for while it lasted, but wasn’t meant to be. If it does work out then you’ll have an amazing love story to tell the grandkids and you’ll never regret having let him go. I always try to remember when making a big decision like this that the only things we regret in life are the things we didn’t do. It sounds like you’re confused by the ex perhaps out of some kind of guilt or feeling sorry for him, or wanting to hold onto the history that you both have, or because he’s the safe bet.

This is great because we would actually get to meet. However, I was wondering on how to keep the relationship healthy while it’s long distance because I don’t want to lose her again. Hi there, although I am older than you, my mother was really hesitant about my long distance relationship. I remember the first time I mentioned it to her she said “I will die if you move to another country” she was a bit dramatic but I think any parent would feel that way about the situation. I went to visit my boyfriend 2 times and each time I came back to the U.S. happier and more in love with him. My mom now comments how she’s never seen me so happy before and she’s very happy for me and accepts that I will be moving to another country.