Borderline Personality Disorder And Your Sex Life

It may negatively impact your partner’s life enough to make daily functioning a challenge. It could also affect your relationship, particularly if you don’t understand some behaviors. SwingingHeaven My ex did all these things and more. And everything you hear about these types is true. When YOU threaten to leave, they pull a complete 180 degrees and kiss your ass.

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Either actually educate yourself on the topic or quit talking out of your ass and trust that the experts know what we are doing because I guarantee you. We know more about this shit than you do. Everything wrong or right with our minds is dictated by brain chemistry and function. You wouldn’t want someone to normalize cancer and tell you “it’s natural so we’re not going to treat it” it’s foolish to say this about mental illness. The serotonin theory is as close as any theory in the history of science to having been proved wrong.

Still, being put through that sucks a lot, and will obviously taint your views on that person, and perhaps by extension other women. Too often psychiatry fails to realize that there are far too many dimensions involved on these people that needs to be set right. Let me give you the bad news – she’s not going to get better at this rate. Maybe when she’s old and lost her strength and energy, her symptoms will decline a bit. But she’s stuck in the past and future at too many levels.

Formal symptoms of borderline personality disorder

Scariest part was that I told her all my weakness. I was young and stupid and if she had desired to, she could’ve destroyed me. I revisited this thread since my ex and I have a daughter together.

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You will never win, and will only be out more time and money the longer you try. Their extreme solipsism means that very quickly the situation becomes all about them more than the person they’re giving to. It was my birthday, and she’d bought gifts for me which I liked very much and appreciated it.

While people who have been abused or neglected have a higher risk of developing BPD, not all people living with BPD have experienced abuse. Chase woke up one day in 2004 tired of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out dating. After four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends , he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System.

I contacted her therapist and her mother and let them know the situation. BPD went ape and NC on me after she found out I told her therapist. I was big time AFC through the whole thing.

When she came home and saw it, she went berserk. All sorts of emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, jealousy, clinginess, suicidal tendencies, insane expectations, and eventually, physical abuse. I don’t think I’ll ever stop not wanting to be with her but as you said, it is like walking on a landmine with the possibility of getting blown the fuck up. She made life interesting in a way no one ever has, and major perks for the sex. But the cons far outweighed the pros. It is indeed scary when I realize my mother fits all the descriptions of your ex-wife…

I kind of enjoyed the control I had over her crazyness. I even let all the material losses slide that she caused me over the years. Also had to save her a couple of times from killing herself. Imo there is a certain beauty to the crazyness, but it’s in no way ever worth it.

Recently, however, I had started dating someone else that I was worried had BPD and got closer to her. I felt in my gut she had it, but it’s easy to say all girls are BPD after a while, so I gave it a chance. And nothing bad came of it but lost time and some mental anguish. Depression leaves lasting damage on the brain even after it’s gone, unlike personality disorders.

Then, just like you said, she’d start the arguments. Probably 3-4 nights out of the week, she’d keep me up until 3 or 4 in the morning screaming at me. Being completely out of control for no reason other than ‘you didn’t pay attention to me when you came home’.